I'm a wife and mother living in Houston, TX. I have three children, Soli, Alex and Sara. I work full-time and my husband, Marty, stays at home with our children and goes to school at night. Please, don't ever call him "Mr. Mom".

Monday, April 30, 2007


How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good. I had a firm picnic to go to on Sunday, and I spent a significant portion of the early afternoon on Saturday cleaning out my car. I didn't think it would take as long as it did, which is why I didn't put on any sunblock. I'm an idiot and now I'm seriously paying for it. So, I had to spend most of my time at the picnic on Sunday in the shade of a tree or a pavilion. Soli had fun, though, and that is all that matters.

Meanwhile... I have to put up with Marty calling me "Lobster".

Friday, April 27, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Postponed

My daughter was sick throughout Monday and Tuesday and I was too busy the remainder of the week to surf much, so I won't have an issue this week. I will leave you with this, though, that I just read today:

Excerpt from John Amaechi's book, Man in the Middle.

I have to honestly say, this is the first sports book I think I would really enjoy reading.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Volume 2

  1. Boy Scout who got all 122 merit badges:

  2. How to make a canned goods cabinet riser.

  3. How to puncuate a sentence.

  4. New version of Thunderbird, for all platforms.

  5. Full-screen Firefox addon.

  6. VNC reverse connections.

  7. What to do with leftover Easter eggs.

  8. How to have a garage sale.

  9. How to save money on gas.

  10. To Do list script for Google Calendar with Greasemonkey in Firefox.

  11. How to clean your keyboard with scotch tape.

  12. Donkey Kong in post-its:

  13. How to disable Firefox tab scrolling.

  14. Download PDFCreator.

  15. The top 5 foods to prevent bad breath.

  16. Washington Post Peeps contest:

  17. Interactive pixel painting system.

  18. New Google Earth layer for finding hiking trails.

  19. How to turn off annoying MS Word Features.

  20. How to waterproof your electronics like a Navy Seal.

  21. How to create selective sms reminders.


I have created a profile on TutorLinker, so if anyone would like some private voice lessons or basic computer and MS Office help, come on over to my page and get in touch with me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My New Nephew

Nicolas Hiram was born at 5:57 a.m. on April 5th.
He weighs 6lbs 14oz and is 20in long.
Congratulations Luis and Mindy!

Friday, April 06, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Volume 1

  1. Tub Sofa:

  2. Alanis Morissette Covers the Black Eyed Peas:

  3. Sweet Windows Download

  4. Puerto Rican gansta movie?

    There might even be a few actual Boricuas in it...

  5. The Cordinator:

  6. Mute your laptop!

  7. More ways to use Google Talk.

  8. Boiler, a Word add-in for inserting multiple files into a document.

  9. Edit your google mobile homepage:

  10. Personalized Google Maps.

  11. Download of the day: Screen Marker.

  12. Bagel to go:

  13. From Snopes, verified as true:

    In September of 2005, a social studies schoolteacher from Arkansas did something not to be forgotten. On the first day of school, with permission of the school superintendent, the principal, and the building supervisor, she took all of the desks out of the classroom. The kids came into first period, they walked in; there were no desks. They obviously looked around and said, "Where's our desks?"

    The teacher said, "You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn them."

    They thought, "Well, maybe it's our grades."

    "No," she said.

    "Maybe it's our behavior."

    And she told them, "No, it's not even your behavior."

    And so they came and went in the first period, still no desks in the classroom. Second period, same thing. Third period. By early afternoon television news crews had gathered in the class to find out about this
    crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of the classroom. The last period of the day, the instructor gathered her class.

    They were at this time sitting on the floor around the sides of the room. She said, "Throughout the day no one has really understood how you earn the desks that sit in this classroom ordinarily. Now I'm going to tell

    She went over to the door of her classroom and opened it, and as she did 27 U.S. veterans, wearing their uniforms, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. And they placed those school desks in rows, and then they stood along the wall. By the time they had finished placing the desks, those kids for the first time I think perhaps in their lives understood how they earned those desks.

    Their teacher said, "You don't have to earn those desks. These guys did it for you. They put them out there for you, but it's up to you to sit here responsibly, to learn, to be good students and good citizens, because they paid a price for you to have that desk, and don't ever forget it."

  14. Delicious sushi... or is it?

  15. Good advice for new programmers.

  16. Dye your Easter eggs the natural way.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Introduction

I'm going to start creating a sort of weekly round-up of things of note that I've discovered while surfing around on the web. I'll call them "My Weekly Web Wrap-up" and I'll post a new issue every week. Look for the first issue later this week!

Monday, April 02, 2007


Perhaps it's because I've had the elevators stop on me twice now in the same number of months, but I'm worried I'm starting to get an elevator phobia. I tried looking it up the Greek term for it, but the only thing I've found is Clautophobia. Clautophobia, though, is actually the fear of enclosed spaces. I actually quite enjoy the comfort of being closed up in a shower, or a cardboard box*. My fear is actually more closely related to my fear of heights. I've always said, I'm not afraid of being up high above the ground, I'm afraid of the horrible falling-crashing-smooshing on the ground. I quite enjoyed being at the top of the St. Louis Arch. I really like looking out of my window  on the 19th floor at work, too.

I had a nightmare about elevators last night. In part of the dream my elevator dropped. In the other part, there was no roof and wood partitions keeps coming down**. I had to keep looking up to move out of the way or be smooshed.

*I used to like sitting in boxes when I was a kid, not sure why. Of course, so does my daughter... so maybe it's just a kid thing.

**I just realized, there must not have been any floor, either, otherwise where would they have gone? Of course, if there wasn't any floor, where would I have stood? This is why it was only a dream.

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