I'm a wife and mother living in Houston, TX. I have three children, Soli, Alex and Sara. I work full-time and my husband, Marty, stays at home with our children and goes to school at night. Please, don't ever call him "Mr. Mom".

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stay Motivated with the Printable Workout Log

It's a new year, and sitting squarely at the top of your list of resolutions: Get in shape in '09. Sounds like a good time to print out weblog Squawkfox's free workout log.

The workout log is a once-a-week printout, helping you plan or track your workouts, weight, results, and more as you progress in your exercise. It's a simple, cheap, but excellent motivator to keep you honest with your workouts. Thanks Kerry!

via Lifehacker

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