Windows only: KidRocket is a stand-alone application designed to protect kids from the internet and your computer from your kids.
Like previously reviewed KidZui, KidRocket is a hybrid activity center and browser. KidRocket can be locked to the desktop to prevent your kids from unwittingly wrecking havoc on your computer. It includes a web browser that operates off a pre-selected white list of kid-friendly sites. In addition to the web browsing function there is a variety of activities like interactive math flash cards and a simple paint program. For older kids you can enable a basic email client and create a safe list of emails so that your budding social networking aficionado can email grandma. One of the handiest features of KidRocket is that it is entirely portable. All application settings are written to a sub-folder of the directory the file is run from. You can easily toss it on a flash drive and take it along when traveling. If the features of KidRocket seem a bit too Little Tyke'ish for an older child, make sure to check out KidZui which has a more sophisticated feature set and social networking component. KidRocket is freeware, Windows only. Thanks wickedcupofjoe!
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