I'm a wife and mother living in Houston, TX. I have three children, Soli, Alex and Sara. I work full-time and my husband, Marty, stays at home with our children and goes to school at night. Please, don't ever call him "Mr. Mom".

Monday, May 14, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Volume 5

  1. Enhance Google Calendar with the Better GCal Firefox extension.

  2. Ticket system for managing your children's television watching time.

  3. 10 Smart Hacks for Google Reader.

  4. The Bathroom Diaries.

  5. Web Stickies Mod for iGoogle.

  6. Keeping threaded view in Thunderbird.

  7. Add Outlook to iGoogle.

  8. You Can Switch to Linux!

  9. You're a Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well (I'm number 1!)

  10. Google Reader for the Wii.

  11. Wubi... 'nough said.

  12. Preview favorites with Speed Dial.

  13. Google Reader - Read by Mouse: Greasemonkey Script

  14. Installing Ubuntu Studio 7.04 - Linux For The Creative.

Monday, May 07, 2007

My Weekly Web Wrap-up: Volume 4

  1. Chocolate Purists Alarmed by Proposal To Fudge Standards.

  2. Vitamin D casts cancer prevention in new light.

  3. Calculate The Estimated Fuel Cost Of Your Trip: AAA Fuel Cost Calculator.

  4. 17 Must-Have Free Apps for New Ubuntu Users.

  5. LyricWiki is a free site which is a source where anyone can go to get reliable lyrics for any song from any artist without being hammered by invasive ads.

  6. Swept Away is a simple system tray utility that automatically minimizes applications that you aren't using.

  7. UNIX For DOS Users: table shows a comparison between DOS (COMMAND.COM and MS/Windows NT CMD.EXE shell commands) and the equivalent Linux/Unix or Bash shell commands.

  8. Google Doc Download Grease Monkey Script.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sick Baby Boy

My husband took the kids to the doctor today, mostly because Alex has some crusty eyes. It turns out the crust in Alex's eyes is actually snot that backed up from his sinus cavity. Ew! Also, he has an infection and both ears and a completely unrelated yeast infection on his little boy parts. Unfortunately he just got the yeast infection today, which means we're going to have to have a little talk with the people at his day care. Of course, I'm so fed up with them anyway, we're going to try to find an alternate day care for the kids.